News & Events

from the value of the product to the value of the service

The speech of our Administrator
Ladies and gentlemen to all of you my warmest welcome, your presence so numerous attests how much this manifestation is to you all appreciated, which at the same time expresses the great confidence that you lay in the work of Profilati Brescia Systems srl. Of this I am personally grateful to you.

Before continuing it is necessary to thank the speakers who will take the floor in this event, Authoritative people who are sure to offer concrete and effective contributions to the success of this morning training .

I have the pleasure of presenting the Ancient, president and owner of the company INdinvest LT, Dr. Ennio Braicovich, Pierluigi Santarelli.

How and why this conference was born we have said it on several occasions but I think it is worth repeating it The event is designed to fully understand the new dogma line but above all to promote the comparison of what our companies used and promoted to your own clientele and what they will have the opportunity to propose.

Your presence here today, your numerous presence, shows that these prerogatives have been understood and shared and this really makes me happy.

Let me then speak to Dr. Antichi

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